Thursday, September 10, 2015

Back to Basics (4) Proof by Contradiction

The method of proof by contradiction establishes a statement as true by showing that its negation leads to two mutually exclusive results. This method is made possible by the fact that in Boolean Algebraic logic a proposition is either true or false and no where in between. 

For every contradiction N and every proposition  the formula  ⇔ ( ¬ ⇒ N) is a tautology. If ¬ ⇒ N is true, then  is true by contraposition. N can also be represented by (ᴔ ∧ ¬ᴔ) where ᴔ is a proposition. If it can be shown that ¬  ᴔ and ¬  ¬ᴔ, then [¬ ⇒ (ᴔ ∧ ¬ᴔ)] ⇔ ( ¬ ⇒ N). Since, the proposition ¬ ⇒ (ᴔ ∧ ¬ᴔ) can be constructed (is true) the only possibility is that ¬ must be false.

Assume P and Q are propositions, P ⇒ Q, and (⇒ Q) ⇔ (⇒ Q) ⇔ ¬(P ∧ ¬Q). So, ¬ ⇔ (P ∧ ¬Q). In order to prove ¬ ⇒ (ᴔ ∧ ¬ᴔ), if P  ᴔ and ¬Q  ¬ᴔ, then ¬ ⇒ (ᴔ ∧ ¬ᴔ) since [(P  ᴔ)  (¬Q  ¬ᴔ)]  [(P ∧ ¬Q) ⇒ (ᴔ ∧ ¬ᴔ)]. Therefore P ⇒ Q is true according to the method of proof by contradiction.

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