Friday, April 21, 2017

Moodathon Athlete

                I've discovered my next prescription thought to help me! It's called "Moodathon Athlete". What do athletes do with their mind while they are competing that I might be able to use while I am on my own moodathon? Luckily I have a friend who is a marathon athlete. I asked him what he does and he said on his last race he focused on his previous training as motivation to continue. He knew that he had already been there and that he could consequently continue pushing till the end of the race. This immediately affected my own mood. I thought about all the times in my life where I had been low and that if I could do it then, I can do it now.
He also explained that he used distractions near the end of his race to get his mind off of the pain and fatigue that he was experiencing. I too use distractions to help me when I am feeling down. Distractions are a handy tool in your thought-box to have on hand. But they can't make up the sum and substance of your tools. 
High performance athletes certainly have some ideas to offer me. This got me thinking who else might have thought tools to help me fight my illness. Immediately, I thought of astronauts. What do they do with their thinking to remain so resilient and focused in the face of difficulties?

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