1.) Elaine is a chemist: Ce
2.) Nancy is not a sales clerk: ¬Sn
3.) Neither Wordsworth nor Shelley was Irish: ¬Iw ∧ ¬Is
4.) Rachel is either a journalist or a newscaster: (Jr ∨ Nr) ∧ ¬(Jr ∧ Nr)
5.) Intel designs a faster chip only if Micron does: Dm ⇒ Di
6.) Belgium and France subsidize the arts only if Austria or Germany expand museum holdings: (Ea ∨ Eg) ⇒ (Sb ∧ Sf)
7.) All maples are trees: ∀x(Mx ⇒ Tx)
8.) Some grapes are sour: ∃x(Gx ∧ Sx)
9.) No novels are biographies: ¬∃y(Ny ∧ By)
10.) Some holidays are not relaxing: ∃z(Hz ∧ ¬Rz)
11.) If Gertrude is correct, then the Taj Mahal is made of marble: Cg ⇒ Mt
12.) Gertrude is not correct only if the Taj Mahal is made of granite: Gt ⇒ ¬Cg
13.) Tigers exist: ∃z(Tz)
14.) Anything that leads to violence is wrong: ∀x(Lx ⇒ Wx)
15.) There are pornographic art works: ∃u(Pu ∧ Au)
16.) Not every smile is genuine: ¬∀x(Sx ⇒ Gx)
17.) Every penguin loves ice: ∀z(Pz ⇒ Lz)
18.) There is trouble in River City: ∃u(Tu ∧ Ru)
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