Sunday, August 16, 2015

Propositional Calculus 0


(Ax) Axiom:
Every axiom is a theorem.

(MP) Modus Ponens:
For all wff's P and Q, if P is a theorem and P  Q is a theorem, then Q is a theorem.

(Sub) Substitution:
For each K, R , and L, if R is a theorem, K is a component of R, and L is a wff, then the propositional form obtained by replacing in R every occurrence of K by L is a theorem.


A wff is a theorem iff it is obtained using rules Ax, MP, and Sub.

For all wff's P and Q, F1 through F5 are also wff's. Only strings of symbols built from variables using F1 through F5 can be wff's.

F1: ¬
F2: P  Q
F3: P ∧ Q
F4: P ∨ Q     
F5: P ⇔ Q

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