Sunday, November 16, 2014

Warning: This Post is Boring. Reader Discretion is Advised

Definition2: Every atomic formula is a well-formed formula (Pronounced whiff). Additionally, for all wff's P and Q, and for every variable X, the following formulae are also wff's:

            Formula           Translation
F1    ¬ (P)                    not P
F2       (P) ⇒ (Q)         P implies Q
F3       (P) ∨ (Q)         P or Q
F4       (P) ∧ (Q)         P and Q
F5       (P) ⇔ (Q)         P is equivalent to Q
F6       ∀X (P)             For each X, P
F7        ∃X (P)            There exists an X such that P

Remember, they're just symulus.

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